Compliance Timeframes for Open Finance in Colombia

Compliance Timeframes for Open Finance in Colombia

With the issuance of Circular 004-2024, Colombia´s financial authority, the “Superintendencia Financiera”, established three different timeframes for compliance with several provisions of the authority´s main regulatory piece, “La Circular Básica Jurídica”.   The...
The new circular issued between the Superintendece of Industry and Commerce and the National Agency of Legal Defense of the State regarding the treatment of personal data in interoperable information systems.

The new circular issued between the Superintendece of Industry and Commerce and the National Agency of Legal Defense of the State regarding the treatment of personal data in interoperable information systems.

This external circular published the 5th of September of 2019 presents various general guidelines that public entities and private entities that have public functions must follow to protect the right of habeas data and to protect personal information in interoperable...